2014年春 武家屋敷(金沢市指定保存建造物)である当家は建築家・隈研吾氏の設計、木村ふみ氏コーディネートによるギャラリー、茶室などが新築されました。大樋ギャラリーでは、大樋陶冶斎と十一代大樋長左衛門(年雄)が制作した作品、また両者のプロデュースによる(大樋セレクション)新たな提案が展示されています。また、茶室「年々庵」(裏千家鵬雲斎大宗匠命名)では、歴代茶盌で抹茶を喫することもできます(有料)
In the spring of 2014, our samurai residence (Kanazawa specification preservation building) gallery and tearoom was newly built and designed by the Architect Mr.Kuma Kengo, coordinated by Ms. Kimura Fumi.
The Ohi gallery which displays work by both the 10th generation Ohi Chozaemon and his eldest son Toshio 11th generation, together have selected new proposal work for the Ohi Museum’s current exhibition.
Furthermore, in the Nennen-An tearoom (named by the grand Urasenke Tea Master Hounsai), it is possible to share tea by selected successive Ohiyaki tea bowls + Kanazawa style sweets

You can choose a favorite tea bowl from our achieving works which we have selected from Ohi Museum.
We are pleased if you enjoy time spent tasting our delicious Japanese sweets, representing Kanazawa.